Tuesday, February 16, 2010

So...I Lied

I said I would post yesterday but that didn't happen, so, I lied, and I'm sorry! So, why has it been so long since I posted last you ask? Well, life has been a bit busy lately! I painted our whole main living area in two days, and then had to drive to my parents to get Sofia. It's been a crazy couple of days around here! I don't have pictures yet of the new and improved living room, but I will soon!

So...with that, here's a small update on our latest happenings around here! Sofia is a walking machine. She still isn't able to pull herself to the standing position unassisted, but she sure is cruising around like she owns the place. Her new favorite thing to do is to go into her room and bring books out for mommy or daddy to read. She's so crazy.

Remember that giveaway that I posted about a while ago....{this post here} Well...I WON! I never, ever, ever win anything, but I won this! The person doing the giveaway custom painted a sign for me that I'm going to hang in my kitchen! I'm so excited to get it and I'll be sure to post pictures when I get it hung!

Well, I think that's about it for today.

Here's Sofia on Valentine's Day in....


and 2010

I just love looking back at a year ago! {My how she's grown!}

1 comment:

  1. I keep checking and there is no update ;-)
    Love you!
