Sunday, April 25, 2010

17 Months (a day late)

Sofia Grace, yesterday you were 17 months old!!!! Goodness gracious my sweet lady, you are growing up much too fast!!! You are changing daily and your personality is growing by the minute. You are as sweet-natured and as tender-hearted as you have been since day 1. So...what are you up to in your 17th month of life???

~You still sleep like a pro. You continue to go down around 8:00 at night and wake up around 8:30-9:00. However, now you will just lie in your crib and not make a peep when you wake up. You will lie there for an hour if I let you. You are also taking 1 good nap each day. Somedays you'll take 2, but most days just 1.

~You are getting to be a bit pickier when you eat. You still eat pretty well, but you do not like anything that is similar to a casserole and you especially do not like cheesy potatoes. You did try your first avocado and you loved it! You also really like cookies and juice now as well. You had your first whole jelly bean this month and you did very well with it. Mommy caught you eating a Cadbury egg, foil and all, that you had taken off the table. At least you were smart enough to take it into the kitchen to eat because you knew you'd get in trouble if you got chocolate on the carpet :)

~You are now wearing pretty much all 12-18 month clothes and are moving into size 4 shoes. You are still in a size 3 diaper though.

~You now have 11 teeth.

~You L.O.V.E. balls. You are sure to let everyone around you know if you see a ball. You also love to color with your crayons and read books. You have started to try out puzzles, but still struggle with them. You also now love your babies. You have two babies who you carry around, give kisses, and give hugs to. Anytime you see a baby, or even just an infant car seat, you scream baby. It is adorable! You can also climb onto your horse now and ride it up and down.

~You say so many words now, including: mommy or mama, daddy, baby {bebe}, ball, bye-bye {buh buh}, thank you, please, stinker, no no {na na}, yeah, hi, doggy {gege}, uh oh, shoe, tooth, brush, yay!, and Sofia {fia}. You also sing A,B,C to your fridge phonics toy. When asked what a cow says you say "moo." When asked what a sheep says you say "ba ba."

~You can point to all of your major body parts, including: hand, arm, leg, foot, belly, nose, mouth, tooth, ear, eye, hair, and head.

~When we pray, you hold our hands and then pull them away whenever someone says "In Jesus' name...." We have also started to work on praying with you. We'll say..."say Thank you" and you'll say Thank you" and then we'll say "Jesus" and you'll say, ya!

You just melt my heart sweet girl! Mommy and Daddy love you and just can't believe how fast you are growing up!!!


  1. She may not like cheesy potatoes, but she loved my scalloped potatoes and pork chops! Happy 17 months beautiful Sofia! It has been great watching you grow and seeing you smile when John and Mary play with you.

  2. Who doesn't like cheesy potatoes?! ;) At least it sounds like she likes scalloped potatoes, those are great too. Sounds like she talks more than most kids her age, awesome! Maybe we'll see you up north sometime... we'll be there May 6th for the weekend and again in the end of June for our 3rd wedding reception. Maybe see you then.

  3. ok first of all, she is SO SO cute!!

    thank you for sharing that prayer request for me, how heartbreaking, I'll be praying constantly for her and would love any updates if you get them.
