Tuesday, May 25, 2010

18 Months!!

A year and a half old! Not fair! I simply cannot believe that we have been blessed with a year and a half with you, my sweet daughter! :) God is so good! You are changing so much, so fast! I swear you add a new word to your vocabulary daily! Here's what you are up to this month...

~You are still sleeping very well. Your bedtime is still between 8 and 8:30 and you generally wake up around 8 or 8:30! You are only down to one nap, and some days you don't take one at all.

~You are eating anything and everything these days! You love candy, especially gummy bears. You love fruit snacks and most kinds of fruits now too! You also are regularly using a straw now. You are doing very well with feeding yourself with your spoon too!

~You are still TINY! You weigh 22 lbs. You are wearing 12-18 month clothes, size 4 shoe, and size 3 diaper.

~You are RUNNING all over the place and CLIMBING everything that isn't too tall! You can get into your little rocking chair on your own and you climb up onto your picnic table too! You've started "riding" your car around outside, the right way! You also can now ride your horsey and LOVE it!

~You love to play! You love being outside and riding in your wagon! You cry when we take you inside! You still love balls! You have also really taken a liking to babies! You push them around in your stroller and rock them back and forth.

~You say SOO many words now. This month you started saying "love you," "turtle," "no," "no no," {and you like to mimic mommy saying no by pointing your little finger at me}. You also are counting 1, 2, 3, and you get really excited when you say 3. {I have this on video, and I'm hoping to get it up soon!} You get sooo excited when you see your "da da!" I'm sure there are more, I just can't keep track.

Sofia, you are truly a blessing! Your daddy and I pray everyday for you! We pray that as you get older, you will find your worth and value in God and not in what the world tells you you should! We pray that you will grow up to love Jesus and serve Him in whatever way He calls you to. We pray that we will be good models of what a mommy and daddy should be and of what a Godly wife and husband look like. We love you big lady!

1 comment:

  1. Wow - where did that 18 months go? We are also very blessed to be part of your life Miss Sofia and are so excited to see you growing and learning (and learning some wildness from your friend Mary). We are also so impressed watching your Mom and Dad parent you and are thankful we have them as friends to encourage us in this task of parenting! We love you Sofia!
