Saturday, May 15, 2010

Gummy Bears

Sofia pretty much eats anything now, and her new favorite "food" just so happens to be gummy bears! Well let me tell you, this child loves her some gummy bears. In case you didn't know, Meijer has the best gummy bears in all the land, in their bulk candy section. They actually have the best gummy candy in general. This week I've been sick so Stephen bought me my favorite "gummy assortment" {to help me feel better of course!} Whenever Sofia sees or even hears me going to the bag she runs from near and far to test her luck.

She looks up at me and bats those adorable brown eyes

and says "please" in the cutest, most adorable melt-my-heart sort of way. can I refuse?

Ahhh... sweet success!

1 comment:

  1. Oh gummies, how I love thee!! It looks like she really enjoyed them...too cute! :)
