Friday, October 29, 2010

Final Report...

In the words of my doctor, our baby is "chromosonally perfect." :) Those were some great words to hear this morning. The final report from my amnio came back saying that everything is just as it should be chromosonally. I had started to get really nervous again yesterday as all of the "what if's" came flooding back into my mind. It's amazing to me how quickly I again became comfortable with life, and how quickly Satan responds to my comfortable state. He is one tricky devil! However, I am praising the Lord for his provisions and protection for us all!

I will go in for a follow-up ultrasound to check on the baby's echogenic bowel that they found in our first ultrasound in November.

My doctor ended the conversation with... "We're not going to tell you the sex of the baby as you requested, but they did send that with the final report, so if you change your mind, just give me a call whenever." Oh, don't tempt me like that! :)

and I leave you with two pictures, one of my baby girl...

and me at 20 weeks... Half-Way to meeting our newest little squishy!!!

1 comment:

  1. Don't do it!! Keep it a secret till little "squishy" comes out! Praising God for the great report!!
